Editra icon file location
Editra icon file location

Next, you can see our list of locations from Windows where you find DLL files containing icons: %systemroot%\system32\imageres.dll We tried to organize our list of default Windows 10 and Windows 11 icons, both by their DLL files location and by taking into consideration the primary purpose of the icons found inside the DLL files. In the next section, we show you where these DLLs with icons are found in Windows 10 and Windows 11. Most icons from Windows operating systems are stored inside DLL files. When you want to change the icon of a particular file, folder, or shortcut, you can just set its icon location to point to a specific DLL file and a specific icon from it. As a matter of fact, you could compare an icon DLL file with a library of icons.

editra icon file location

The main advantage of a DLL file is being able to hold multiple icons inside. To solve this problem, instead of using ICO files to store icons, Windows uses DLL files (and sometimes, also EXE files). If Windows had an ICO file for each icon it uses, that would make for a considerable number of icon files. Both Windows 10 and Windows 11 have lots of applications, folders, files, and shortcuts, and many of them use unique icons. However, ICO files have a big disadvantage: they can hold only one icon. Icons are usually stored inside ICO files.

  • Do you know any other DLL files with icons from Windows?.
  • The Start Menu icon location in Windows 11.
  • The Start Menu icon location in Windows 10.
  • editra icon file location

  • P.S.: Where to find the Windows icon used for the Start button.

    How to use the icons stored inside a DLL file.actioncentercpl.dll, aclui.dll, autoplay.dll, comctl32.dll, filemgmt.dll, ncpa.cpl, url.dll, xwizards.dll (all in %systemroot%\system32\).%systemroot%\system32\networkexplorer.dll.%systemroot%\system32\accessibilitycpl.dll.Where are Windows default icons located?.

    Editra icon file location